Turtle Creek Arts Festival, Dallas, TX

Event Summary

Turtle Creek Arts Festival returns to Reverchon Park, a 43-acre community park. Each year it will host a Spring Arts and Craft festival (in April) and a fine arts event (in November). Winding its way through the heart of Dallas, Turtle Creek is charming with its serene shores, manicured parks, walking paths and neighborhood events. Situated in the heart of Dallas, Turtle Creek borders the Downtown arts district as well as Highland Park, and the Oaklawn/ Cedar Springs neighborhoods.

This event will feature up to 125 painters, photographers, sculptors, leather and metalwork, glass blowers, jewelers, and crafters!

The Turtle Creek Fine Arts Festival is organized by AFFPS, who partners with more than a dozen other events, along with a board of experts in various artistic disciplines.


November 10 - 11, 2018


Reverchon Park, Dallas, TX


Bayou Art Festival Memorial Park, Houston, TX


Event Summary

About Bayou City Art Festival Houston, Memorial Park.  The Bayou City Art Festivals (Memorial Park, and Downtown Houston) are two of the nation’s premier outdoor fine art events. The jury for this festival takes place at the Art Colonoy Association, Inc. offices by an invited panel of artists, collectors and industry professionals. The festival has been consistently ranked among the top 10 in Sunshine Artist's 200 Best.


March 23 - 25, 2018


Memorial Park, Houston, TX


38th Naples National Art Festival

The Naples Downtown Art Show, which takes place on Saturday, February 18th and Sunday, February 19th, allows thousands of art-savvy show goers to mill about the 230+ booths that participating artists set up under the canopy of oak boughs and golden trumpet trees that shade flower-lined Fifth Avenue South from southwest Florida’s brilliant springtime sunshine from Highway 41 west to 3rd Street South just blocks from the gulf.

Unlike a gallery or museum, a fine art show such as this one offers savvy art enthusiasts the unique opportunity to meet the artists in person; commission a specific piece; ask questions about techniques; learn the sources of their inspiration and purchase fine works of art directly from the artists.


February 18-19, 2017


Downtown Naples, FL, 5th Avenue South


Bayou Art Festival Downtown, Houston, TX

Event Summary

About Bayou City Art Festival Houston, Downtown.  Bayou City Art Festival Downtown is one of the nation’s premier outdoor fine art events. The jury for this festival takes place at the Art Colonoy Association, Inc. offices by an invited panel of artists, collectors and industry professionals. The festival has been consistently ranked among the top 10 in Sunshine Artist's 200 Best.


October 14 - 15, 2017


Downtown Houston, TX
